Journey to the Mother

Have you ever felt in your bones that something was meant to be, but for some reason, you could not bring yourself to make it happen? It’s almost as if you feel unworthy of your own aspirations or dreams. You have a vision for how it is all going to look, how it will sound, how it will feel. But resistance keeps you from moving forward, your ego blocking your path for fear of failure.

These thoughts and feelings have plagued me for a long time. Stopping me in my tracks from moving forward and nurturing the vision that I have for this business and ultimately for my own life. You see, I have had Of the Mother Wellness on my heart for YEARS and my desire to be a healer of some sort for even longer. While I do truly believe that a fear of failure is what had stopped me from moving forward, I also realized that it was a sense that I was waiting for permission to walk through the world in a way that aligns with my personal core values. When you turn everyone else around you into the main character of your own life’s story, it is very easy to begin to believe your dreams and aspirations don’t matter. But they do. They always have. My dedication to this wellness community and my life’s purpose as a healer is a step towards my acknowledgement of my own value. And that is what I want to foster in all of you. With Of the Mother Wellness, I want to curate spiritual and physical healing in those that have felt the way I have felt. I want to show women, especially women of color, how to facilitate healing within themselves. Each person truly has the capability to foster a healing community from the inside out. In order to tap into this sense of self-healing, we need to listen to the needs of our bodies and lean forward into what truly makes us feel alive.

Many of us have watched our mothers ignore their own aspirations in order to take care of everyone else around them. I want to break this cycle. We can do this while helping to heal our mothers, showing them how to truly take out time for themselves. We can heal from the outside in and back again, watering ourselves until we grow abundantly with our roots reaching farther out than we have ever imagined.

Thank you so much for joining on this frighteningly beautiful Journey to the Mother.